Document your #powerbi model with #chatGPT and a #tabulareditor script and browse it in your model

Inspired by Darrens Gosbell’s excellent blog post – Automatically generating measure descriptions for Power BI and Analysis Services with ChatGPT and Tabular Editor – Random Procrastination ( – and my session at SQLBits 2023 where I showed how to call the chatGPT from within Power Query and how you can use the New chat ( – to describe your M code.

I thought it would be nice if I could add this as a description to my tables in Power BI model.

How hard can that be 🙂

Well, it turns out that we are not allowed to modify the table object via the Tabular #ditor and this includes adding a description to the table

So, if I created a script that added a description – it worked fine but returning to the desktop I was asked to refresh the queries and the descriptions where removed by Power BI desktop –

Well, what is supported as write operations to a model?

Calculation groups is supported – hmmm… could I use this and then actually create a calculation group with a calculation item for each of the tables in my model – that would also mean that I could create a table in my report and expose the descriptions in a report page instead of the description should be hidden away on the tooltip of a table in the field list – This could actually be quite awesome!

C# Script here we go

I know very little about how to write C# code so Darrens example and the documentation of Tabular editor was a big help and please bear in mind that I am a C# novice when reading my code

The steps needed to this is as follows (I have used Tabular Editor 3 but it should be possible to us the free version of Tabular Editor as well

Step 1 – Open your Power BI desktop file and find the external tool ribbon and click the Tabular Editor

Step 2 – Add a Calculation Group called “Documentation”

Step 3 – Choose to create a New C# Script

Step 3 – Use the following script and run it

#r "System.Net.Http"
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

// You need to signin to and create an API key for your profile then paste that key 
// into the apiKey constant below
const string apiKey = "<YOUR_API_KEY>";
const string uri = "";
const string question = "Please describe this power query code for me:\n\n";

using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiKey);

    foreach (var t in Model.Tables)
        foreach ( var p in t.Partitions)
            // Only uncomment the following when running from the command line or the script will 
            // show a popup after each measure
            //var body = new requestBody() { prompt = question + m.Expression   };
                string _type = Convert.ToString(p.SourceType);
                string _exp = Convert.ToString(p.Expression);
        if ( _type == "M" )
            {var body = 
                "{ \"prompt\": " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject( question + p.Expression ) + 
                ",\"model\": \"text-davinci-003\" " +
                ",\"temperature\": 1 " +
                ",\"max_tokens\": 256 " +
                ",\"stop\": \".\" }";

            var res = client.PostAsync(uri, new StringContent(body, Encoding.UTF8,"application/json"));
            var result = res.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            var obj = JObject.Parse(result);
            var desc = obj["choices"][0]["text"].ToString().Trim(); 
            //Reference to your calculation group that should hold the calculation Items
            var x =(Model.Tables["Documentation"] as CalculationGroupTable).CalculationItems[t.Name];
            //deletes the old version

            var calculationItem1 = (Model.Tables["Documentation"] as CalculationGroupTable).AddCalculationItem();
            //removes any quotes in the chatGPT description
            var s = desc.Replace("\"", "");

            calculationItem1.Expression = "\"" +  s + "\"";
            calculationItem1.Name = t.Name;
            //Info("Processing " + t.Name) ;


This will create a calculation item for each of your Power Query table and add a Expression that contains the chatGPT description of your M code

Example of one of the tables

Step 4 – Save the changes back to your model and you will be prompted to refresh your calculation group

Step 5 – Add a table where you take the Calculation group name and a measure that I call Query description – the value of this measure will in the table be changed to the expression of the calculation item.

We could use the same method to document our DAX measures and put that into a calculation group as well – thereby documenting our full model and exposing the information directly in the report and not just in the tooltips of the fields.

I will try to find time to do a blog post on this as well.

Let me know in the comments if you find this useful – would very much like to hear from you.

#PowerBI – External Tool – Open Power BI Report Builder – part 1

As you may have noticed I have blogged twice about the new awesome feature in Power BI Desktop where we can build our own external tool buttons in Power BI Desktop.

Here is a link to the previous posts.

  • Analyze in Excel (link)
  • Open in Tableau (link)

One perhaps forgotten member in Power BI is the Power BI Report Builder – aka – Paginated reports – and even though it requires a premium capacity or Power BI embedded A-SKU to publish/share reports – I thought it might be interesting to see if we could link the local pbix file to the Report Builder.

I will write a part 2 where the external tool will support if the desktop file is connected to an Azure Analysis Server or Power BI Dataset as well.

You can download the free Power BI Report Builder from here.

How to build the external tool

The tool has two files

  • A powershell file – ConnectToPowerBIReportBuilder.ps1
    Must be stored in C:\temp
  • A external tool file – OpenInPowerBIReportBuilder.pbitool.json
    Must be stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Power BI Desktop\External Tools

OBS – in order to run a powershell script on your pc you need to have to set the execution policy –

You can download the files from here –

The powershell

The report builder uses the rdl – file format which is an xml file.

So the PowerShell script is simply to create an rdl file and make the connection dynamic using the parameters about server and database name that the External tool provides as arguments when the button is clicked in Power BI Desktop.

This is a small part of the xml that creates the rdl file and it could be expanded to create datasets and insert visualizations.

        $tdsXml = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<Report MustUnderstand=""df"" xmlns="""" xmlns:rd="""" xmlns:df="""">
  <df:DefaultFontFamily>Segoe UI</df:DefaultFontFamily>
    <DataSource Name=""PowerBI"">
        <ConnectString>Data Source=$port;Initial Catalog=$database</ConnectString>

What happens

After you have placed the OpenInPowerBIReportBuilder.pbitool.json in the correct folder and you have restarted Power BI Desktop

the toolbar button

You will see a new button in the ribbon.

When you have a pbix file open containing a datamodel and click the button a desktoptobuilder.rdl file will be generated in C:\temp

And Power BI Report Builder will open – in the xml I have also inserted text in the report header showing the local host port.

In the data Sources you will find

A data source called PowerBI which is connect to your running instance of tabular model

And then we can create a dataset that uses the data source

And use the designer to create the DAX query

And use this to in a chart

Obs – remember to save the file with another name – and to update the connection information after you close and reopen the desktop file.

In my next post I will demonstrate how we can do the same if the pbix is connected to Azure Analysis Services or a Power BI Dataset.

Stay tuned 🙂

PS – This one is for #paginatedreportbear

Paginated Report Bear (@PaginatedBear) | Twitter

Connect your #PowerBI desktop model to #Tableau Desktop via External Tools in PowerBI

I recently created an external tool to PowerBI desktop that connects your Power BI desktop model to Excel ( and then I thought – could we also have a need for an external tool that could open the desktop model in Tableau desktop.

So, I downloaded a trial version of the Tableau Desktop to see what is possible.

And sure, enough Tableau can connect to Microsoft Analysis Services and therefor also the localhost port that Power BI Desktop uses.

We can also save a data source as a local data source file in Tableau

Which gives us a file with a tds extension (Tableau Data Source)

When opening the file in Notepad we can see the connection string and some extra data about metadata-records.

It turns out that the tds file does not need all the meta data record information – so I cleaned the tds file to contain

Opening this file from the explorer will open a new Tableau Desktop file with the connection to the specified model/database/server.

The external tool

Knowing this I could create an external tool the same way as my Excel connector.

First create a PowerShell

OBS – in order to run a powershell script on your pc you need to have to set the execution policy –

The PowerShell script

Function ET-TableauDesktopODCConnection

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]        
        $tdsXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<datasource formatted-name='LocalPowerBIDesktopFile' inline='true' source-platform='win' version='18.1' xmlns:user=''>
    <_.fcp.SchemaViewerObjectModel.true...SchemaViewerObjectModel />
  <connection authentication='sspi' class='msolap' convert-to-extract-prompted='no' dbname='$database' filename='' server='$port' tablename='Model'>
        #the location of the odc file to be opened
        $tdsFile = "$path\tableauconnector.tds"

        $tdsXml | Out-File $tdsFile -Force	

        Invoke-Item $tdsFile


ET-TableauDesktopODCConnection -port $args[0] -database $args[1] -path "C:\temp"

The script simply creates a tableauconnectort.tds file and stores it in C:\temp – and the xml content in the file is dynamically referenced as arg(0) and arg(1) when the external tool is called from Power BI Desktop.

Save the script in C:\temp and call it ConnectToTableau.ps1.

The OpenInTableau.pbitool.json file

Next step was to create a pbitool.json file and store it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Power BI Desktop\External Tools

  "version": "1.0",
  "name": "Open In Tableau",
  "description": "Open connection to desktop model in Tableau ",
  "path": "C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe",
  "arguments": "C:/temp/ConnectToTableau.ps1 \"%server%\" \"%database%\"",
  "iconData": ""

Test it

Now restart your Power BI desktop and the external tool should be visible in the ribbon

Then open a pbix file with a model and hit the button.

A PowerShell screen will shortly be visible and then Tableau opens the tds file and now we have a new tableau book with a connection to active power bi desktop datamodel.

And we can start to do visualizations that are not yet supported in Power BI –

How can you try it

You can download the files needed from my github repository – link


Let me know what you think and if possible share some of the viz that you make.